The skid steer rock grapple open-sided grapple is the perfect attachment for sifting rock, grabbing a brush, moving logs, debris cleanup, and much more. It has a 2-7/8” opening between the tines to grab the smaller rocks but still let the dirt fall through. It is fitted with a weld-on serrated cutting edge ½” thick. The serrated cutting edge allows for easy digging of rocks and also helps leave a very nice finish when doing the grading. It is fitted with 2 grapples that grapple independently to secure uneven loads. With a large 48” grapple opening, the bucket can hold large amounts of material to ensure productivity. Built with strong grade 50 steel all throughout ensures a high-quality product you can depend on. Grapples have large 1” greasable pins as well. This attachment comes with hydraulic hoses and standard ½” flat face couplers.

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